Our team
  • Mary Bykova (Rumik)
    Founder and writer
    Founder of the publishing house "The World of Detective Paul" and author of a series of books of the same name.
    Winner of the LitRes competition "Children's and Teenage Book Competition" 2021 in the "Young Detectives" nomination. Author of scripts for scientific and educational performances for children ("Two Malvinas" (2019), "Bad Desire" (2020)).

    PhD in Economics with an MBA degree. In the past: associate professor, scientist, analyst, consultant. Author of monographs and scientific articles. Mother of two fidgets.
  • Yana Kamchatova
    Chief artist
    Chief artist of the publishing house "The World of Detective Paul" and illustrator of all projects. Graduate of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov. Professional illustrator, painting teacher for children and adults, master of fine art photography. Participant of exhibitions of works of art. Mother of two sons.
  • Ira Vershinina
    Graphic artist
    Graphic artist of the publishing house. Teacher, participant of exhibitions, festivals and creative competitions.

    Nominee of the Quadrennial of the author's book "Picture book - 2013". Diploma winner of the All-Russian Prize "The Image of the Book - 2015". Worked in the largest clothing brands: Sela, Zarina, Gloria Jeans, Oodji

    Lives and works in a workshop in the legendary forest town of Protvino. Collaborates with private and corporate clients around the world. Specializes in children's illustration, book graphics and textile design.